
Talents Sarajevo

15. July 2019.
Participants Selected for 13th Edition of Talents Sarajevo
03. April 2019.
Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2019
08. August 2018.
12th edition of Talents Sarajevo programme
06. June 2018.
61 Talents Sarajevo Participants in 2018 Edition
27. March 2018.
Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2018
06. July 2017.
11th Talents Sarajevo to be opened by Jessica Hausner
29. June 2017.
Talents Sarajevo Participants Selected for 2017 Edition
09. March 2017.
Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2017
07. July 2016.
Amat Escalante to Open 10th Annual Edition of Talents Sarajevo
27. June 2016.
Participants of 2016 Talents Sarajevo Selected
10. March 2016.
Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2016
15. August 2015.
Opening of Talents Sarajevo 2015
13. July 2015.
Participants of 2015 Talents Sarajevo selected
04. March 2015.
Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2015
21. August 2014.
The continuation of the collaboration between the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science and Talents Sarajevo
30. July 2014.
8th Talents Sarajevo Participants Selected
28. March 2014.
Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2014
24. August 2013.
Winner of STC Pack & Pitch Announced
18. August 2013.
7th Sarajevo Talent Campus Opened
12. August 2013.
7th Sarajevo Talent Campus Programme Announced
30. July 2013.
7th Sarajevo Talent Campus Participants Selected
30. July 2013.
7th Sarajevo Talent Campus to be opened by the director Leos Carax
30. July 2013.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Will Host Workshops at 7th STC
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