

8th Talents Sarajevo Participants Selected

Following the closing of the 8th Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries, the participants have been selected to take part in this year’s edition of the Talents Sarajevo Programme dedicated to emerging filmmakers of Southeast Europe and Southern Caucasus.

The Selection Committee has chosen 70 participants from the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.

Talents Sarajevo, launched in cooperation with the Berlin International Film Festival and the Berlinale Talents, aims to connect emerging film professionals from Southeast Europe and Southern Caucasus with established film professionals, to inform them and bring them closer to the regional and international film industry. During the six-day programme, emerging film professionals are provided with the opportunity to exchange their viewpoints and ideas. Talents Sarajevo, designed to fill in the gap between film school education and practical working experience, encourages collaborative filmmaking – developing, financing, producing, and distributing short and feature-length films together with fellow-filmmakers.

The high-quality programme consisting of a series of workshops, discussions and screenings, together with the presence of renowned film professionals as the Talents Sarajevo lecturers, are the reason for the increasing interest of young filmmakers from Southeast Europe and Southern Caucasus to take part in this programme. The best confirmation for this is the record number of applications received this year – the total of 311.

Countries with the greatest number of applications are: Romania, Turkey, Serbia and Croatia. The following categories of participants have been selected to participate in Talents Sarajevo 2014: 12  scriptwriters (4 from Romania, 3 from Croatia,1 each from Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey and Slovenia), 15 actors (3 each from Romania and Croatia, 2 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Slovenia 1 each from Hungary, Macedonia and Turkey), 14 directors (3 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2 each from Romania and Turkey, 1 each from Serbia, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Moldova), 13 Producers (3 from Romania, 2 each from Bulgaria and Turkey, 1 each from Hungary, Georgia, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Bosnia and Herzegovina), 5 film critics (2 from Romania, 1 each from  Serbia, Greece and Bosnia and Hercegovina) and 5 cinematographers (1 each from Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina). There will also be 6 Pack n Pitch projects (2 from Greece and 1 each from Macedonia, Armenia, Bulgaria and Croatia).

Talents Sarajevo will take place from 16th  to 21st of August and in its eight edition it is going to continue to offer a high-quality programme, as has been the case in previous years when lecturers have been Darren Aronofsky, Aida Begić, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Juliette Binoche, Steve Buscemi, Bruno Dumont, Michael Fassbender, Morgan Freeman, Terry George, Jeremy Irons, Angelina Jolie, Semih Kaplanoglu, Charlie Kaufman, Ademir Kenović, Čedomir Kolar, Mike Leigh, Leon Lučev, Branko Lustig, Samuel Maoz, Anamari Marinca, Michael Moore, Gaspar Noé, Alexander Payne, Corneliu Porumboiu, Jim Sheridan, Stellan Skarsgard, Kevin Spacey, Danis Tanović, Béla Tarr, Wim Wenders, Pjer  Žalica, Jasmila Žbanić, Leos Carax, Danny Glover as well as many other successful film professionals.

The Result of the selection for taking part in the 8th Talents Sarajevo can be seen here.

Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2025
60 Participants Selected for Talents Sarajevo 2024
61 Participants Selected for Talents Sarajevo 2023
Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2023
Talents Sarajevo Call for Entries 2022