Christine A. Maier
Director of Photography (Germany)

Christine A. Maier graduated from the Academy of Music and Performing Art, Film and Television Department, in Vienna, Austria. She worked on a number of award-wining films that had been screened at festivals around the world, including films by Bosnian director Jasmila Žbanić GRBAVICA; NA PUTU; NOĆ JE, MI SVIJETLIMO; NAZAD NAPRIJED: LOST AND FOUND and LJUBAV JE. Maier also shot Žbanić's latest film LOVE ISLAND. In her rich career, Maier worked on films directed by Amie Siegel PROVIDENCE, DDR-DDR and BLACK MOON, Sophie Heldmann's SATTE FARBEN VOR SCHWARZ, DIE LIEBE DER KINDER directed by Franz Müller, Jamie Babbit's ITTY BITTY TITTY COMMITTEE, Henner Winckler's LUCY and NORDRAND by Barbara Albert.