

Regional premiere of the film HOLY WEEK

The Competitiom Programme - Feature Film of the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival continued at the National Theater Sarajevo, with the regional premiere of the film HOLY WEEK by Andrei Cohn. The film had its world premiere at this year's 74th Berlinale.

Holy Week, somewhere in Romania, about 1900. The troublesome relationship between the Jewish innkeeper Leiba and his Christian employee Gheorghe comes to a head, and so Leiba decides to dismiss the latter. Vengeful, Gheorghe promises he will return on Easter Night to “settle” accounts with Leiba. This threat is the last straw that crushes Leiba’s attempts to inhabit the hostile, anti-Semitic environment that surrounds him. From this moment on, Leiba struggles to distinguish between actual danger and that fabricated by his anxieties, and he goes down a path of transformation that leads to extreme consequences.

Director: Andrei Cohn

Cast: Doru Bem, Nicoleta Lefter, Ciprian Chiricheș, Mario Gheorghe Dinu, Ana Cioneta
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