

Competition Programme – Student Film 2024

Asja Krsmanović, the selector of the Competition Programme – Student Film, has included 15 films in the programme.

Nine films will have their world premieres, 2 their international premieres, and 4 their regional premieres. Among the 15 films in competition, alongside 11 feature films, there were also three animated and one documentary film.


Anna Gyimesi, Director, Hungary
Delphine Jeanneret, Film curator and lecturer, Film Department of the Geneva University of Art and Design, Switzerland
Ivan Ramljak, Director, independent curator and a short film selector for the Rotterdam Film Festival, Croatia


Award in the amount of €1,000, sponsored by the Regional Cooperation Council

1. ASSIST / ASIST, Maria Tsioli (Greece, 2024, 8 min.) – World premiere

Against the backdrop of empty streets and a looming football match, a girl navigates a deserted town in search of meaning and connection.

2. GOOD LUCK, SARAH! / SRETNO, SARO!, Isidora Ratković (Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2024, 22 min.) – World premiere

Sarah, a woman in her twenties, has one more day to say goodbye to everything that matters to her in Sarajevo.

3. HAPPY END DAY / OSTANNII DEN, Anastasiia Mykhalchuk (Ukraine, 2024, 13 min.) – World premiere

А family is preparing for a holiday. The holiday is the end of the world. They have no evidence to go on, so realy on their faith — except Grandfather, whose only wish is to be with his family and see their future approaching. As they await the end, fears arise as the keys to what is within. Will the quiet end come? Will there be a tomorrow?

4. MENTOR, Tinkara Klipšteter (Slovenia, 2024, 15 min.) – World premiere

Actors Nina and Alen rehearse a seduction scene between Elmira and Tartuffe. As they struggle with the performance, the director and the professor intervene. When that doesn't work, the professor steps onto the stage. The rehearsal takes an unexpected turn with an uncomfortable confrontation between Nina and the professor.

5. NOTHING PERSONAL, DADDY / NIŠTA LIČNO, TATA, Tamara Pavićević (Montenegro, 2024, 9 min.) – World premiere

Torn between her father’s invisible illness and a community that doesn’t understand it, a woman chooses to fight to save herself, even if that fight unleashes a darkness within.

6. PITYLOS, Galatia Lagoutari (Greece, 2024, 17 min.) – World premiere

Two sisters visit their family home after their mother's death. The lull in their lives is disturbed by a group of young people and a researcher's narration about the creation of a petrified forest.

7. THE LAST DROP / AZ UTOLSÓ DOBÁS, Anna Tőkés (Hungary, 2024, 11 min.) – World premiere

Kata, a member of the national rhythmic gymnastics team, is exposed to extreme coaching techniques. The pressure is building, and the finals are near.

8. THE SMELL OF FRESH PAINT / MIRIS SVEŽE FARBE, Nađa Petrović (Serbia, 2024, 14 min.) – World premiere

When Emma's parents sell the apartment where she grew up, she is revolted and runs away from home with her younger sister. Obsessed with returning to her true home, she begins following the man who bought the apartment.

9. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT DILAN / DILAN HAKKINDA KONUŞMALIYIZ, Umut Şilan Oğurlu (Türkiye, 2024, 20 min.) – World premiere

Dilan works in her uncle's real estate office and lives with her mother. She will turn thirty soon, and feels she is not living up to her potential. A documentary crew follows her while they try to figure out the problem.

10. AGE OF THE DRAGON / SÁRKÁNYKOR, Marcell Farkas (Hungary, Austria, Luxembourg, 2023, 30 min.) – International premiere

Firma and Nero make a blood pact on the roof of a parking garage to make sure their love is eternal, putting their relationship—and the world—at risk.

11. BEYOND THE FACE / ONKRAJ OBRAZA, Anja Resman (Slovenia, Croatia, 2024, 9 min.) – International premiere

While cleaning the apartment of his recently deceased father, a young man is forced to relive traumatic memories of growing up and losing his soul.

12. CHILDREN OF THE BIRD / A MADÁR GYERMEKEI, Júlia Tudisco (Hungary, 2024, 11 min.) – Regional premiere

A playful exploration of the symbiotic balance between creation and destruction, as two divine children shape and discover the world together

13. GÜL, Lidija-Rukiye Kumpas (Austria, 2024, 28 min.) – Regional premiere

A summer's day between languages, meals, and misunderstandings. Far from home, Gül lives and works with a patchwork family in a Turkish village. While Filiz, the youngest, is killing time, Gül has to leave the village earlier than expected. Divided, her thoughts revolve around home and family in everyday life, here as well as in the distance.

14. IF I FLOAT / DACĂ VOI PLUTI, Bogdan Alecsandru (Romania, 2024, 12 min.) – Regional premiere

Vio should not have come to the pool today. She really dislikes her classmates, and one of them in particular: Sara—the most popular girl in the group.

15. THE CHAOS SHE LEFT BEHIND / TO CHAOS POU AFISE PISO TIS, Nikos Kolioukos (Greece, 2023, 33 min.) – Regional premiere

Anna feels like her life is slipping through her hands. A place at a music school in Paris might provide the last chance to pursue her dream unless her self-destructive alcoholic father stands in her way.

The 30th Sarajevo Film Festival will take place from 16 to 23 August 2024.

Jury of the Competition Programme – Student Film of the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival
Competition Programme – Student Film 2024
Competition Programme – Student Film Jury and selection of the 28th Sarajevo Film Festival
Competition Programme – Student Film Jury and selection of the 27th Sarajevo Film Festival
Competition Programme - Student Film 2020